Sardinians Migrating to Belgium after the Second World War: the Case of the "Su Nuraghe" Circle of Flénu (Mons)


  • Maria Grazia SANNA


Italian migration, Sardinian migration, Belgium, "Su Nuraghe" Circle, Migrants Association of Flénu, Mons


Following a brief description of the Italian and Sardinian migration phenomenon to Belgium between the 19th and the 20th century, this essay outlines the role of the “Su Nuraghe” Sardinian Circle of Flénu (Mons), in the province of Hainaut, located at the Walloon Region, on the border with France. In particular, an analys is is made on the more than 400 partners of the Circle, providing updated data on the gender, age, and civil status of its registered members, as well as further news on their origin, places of residence in Belgium and occupation. This article ends with an Appendix including interviews to Sardinian migrants, members of the “Su Nuraghe” circle, who arrived to Belgium after the Second World War and, to a lesser extent, during the 1980s and in the new millennium.





FOCUS - L’emigrazione capraiese a Puerto Rico nel XIX secolo e l’emigrazione italiana del secondo dopoguerra