The song of the nightingale that was not a nighting ale. Birds in America as seen by chroniclers: Central America and the Caribbean


  • Juan Guillermo ESTAY SEPÚLVEDA


America, The Caribbean, Central America, chroniclers, birds, feathers


America is opened to the world triad at the end of the medieval period and the beginning of Modern Times, like the earth of Paradise and the Eden. However, the New Circle Is not discovered for interchanging or respect for others, but soon afterwards that ships arrive to the Caribbean, with a clear intention of invasion while the astonished Europeans put their feet in new lands, colors of different birds delighted them with their flight and the beauty of their feathers. It does not exist in Humanity’s history, so beautiful work carried out with feathers of a diversity of known birds, as it was in the Central America Nuclear America. These birds, their characteristics and the special feeling that they caused since the first time of the meeting with Spanish people, is what we are going to present next.





DOSSIER - América: entre crónica y volatín de plumas