Dos historias uruguayas: la “Virgen de los Treinta y Tres Orientales”; la figura de la Beata Madre Maria Francesca Rubatto y su amistad con el médico de familia Giovanni Antonio Crispo Brandis de Codrongianos


  • Mario Juan Bosco CAYOTA ZAPPETTINI


Virgin of the Thirty-Three, Mother Maria Francesca Rubatto, first Uruguayan saint, Juan Antonio Crispo Brandis, Italian Hospital of Montevideo, Uruguay, Sardinia, José Batlle y Ordonez


This essay deals with the Uruguayan stories of the “Virgin of the Thirty-Three” and the first Beatified Uruguayan woman, Mother Maria Francesca Rubatto, an Italian laywoman, from Piedmont, consecrated and fully devoted to work in her volontariato to help the poorest people of Montevideo. He was also a friend of the Sardinian physician, Juan Antonio Crispo Brandis, who migrated to Uruguay in the year 1872 a nd initially supported her to face the difficulties arisen in the Italian Hospital of Montevideo, where Crispo Brandis used to work, and assisted her in the social work she carried out throughout the poorest neighbourhoods near to the capital city





DOSSIER - Atti del convegno internazionale 1840-2010 SARDEGNA – URUGUAY. Dai 170 anni di amicizia e di rapporti...