For a translation of tourism in geographical terms: the case of the Nughedu Welcome in Sardinia


  • Rachele PIRAS



Almost all sectors that concern contemporary society could have their own geography. As far as the tourism sector is concerned, the geographical discipline performs two fundamental functions: the first is constituted by the ability of geography to frame the tourism phenomenon; the second, no less relevant than the first, consists in the ability of geography to equip itself as an essential tool, able to analyze and understand the tourism phenomenon by studying its evolutionary dynamics on different reference scales: global and local. The work started is part of a broader research that finds its full explanation within the doctoral path of the author which ended in February 2022. The contribution studies a contemporary tourist practice linked to the enhancement of internal areas through the promotion of local food and conviviality which in Sardinia began with the Nughedu Welcome event, in the territory of Nughedu Santa Vittoria, in the province of Oristano.





FOCUS - Il turismo in Sardegna tra storia e nuove prospettive