Pio Degioannis, a shoemaker from Guspini who led the “Nucleo” Communist secret organization


  • Lorenzo DI BIASE


Pio Degioannis, anti-fascism, Ventotene, Castles, clandestine communist organization "Core", political confinement


Through the analysis of some papers from the Central State Archive in Rome and the State Archives of Cagliari, the anti-fascist activities by Pio Degioannisare described. Born in Guspini, he was the head of the Communist underground organization called "Core" and was arrested by the fascist police in May 1935. Sentenced to confinement for five years, he was assigned to the island of Ventotene and then transferred for health reasons to Castelli, in the province of Teramo. In 1940 he returned to Sardinia and served under the Army. He took part into the Second World War, serving in Coastal Battalions.





FOCUS - L’antifascismo in Sardegna e fuori dall’isola: il caso di Iglesias e dei guspinesi C.Martis e P.Degioannis

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