Le relazioni Italia-Banda Orientale e il ruolo del Consolato dell’Uruguay a Torino dal 1861 all’immediato secondo dopoguerra


  • Maria Eugenia VENERI


relations Italy - Uruguay, Consulate of Uruguay in Turin, consuls, Agostino De Grossi, Adolfo Montiel Ballesteros, Emilio De Ben


Long before the unification of Italy, our country and Uruguay established relationships that proved to be longer and more positive than between other nations. The first diplomat was Marcello Cerruti who took office in Montevideo in spring 1856. Among other activities, he promoted and supported the collection of funds among the emigrants requested by Garibaldi, the famous Million rifles, to arm and train Garibaldi's army. The Consulate of Uruguay was soon opened in Turin and several famous people held the office of Consul or Honorary Consul. In this essay we remember Agostino De Grossi, author of The first twelve years of life of the Italian International Institute, Adolfo Montiel Ballesteros, novelist, poet and playwright, and Emilio De Benedetti, whose history is of great historical importance: he was a Jew and lived the anti-fascist persecution and went as exile in Uruguay.





FOCUS - Consoli e Consolati dall’Unità d’Italia al secondo dopoguerra